Understanding the Nature of Prejudice in Society and The Workplace
Testimonies “Thank you for facilitating an enriching and vibrant discussion on how we can take a leading role in bringing about positive change in organizations, schools, and/or our communities… we hope you will come back to present again in 2021” “Hello Dr. Donnay, thank you for a wonderful presentation. I would love to connect to …
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Presidential Inaugural Committee Event The Impact of Racism on Black Bodies, COVID-19 and Self-Care
Testimonies “When thinking about health inequalities I never thought about telomeres before. Unbelievable…shocking and chilling info.” “Thank you very much for your presentation. I learned so much and am inspired to learn more.” “Your presentation on Monday was so informative. Is it possible to share the recording?”
Understanding the Causes and Mechanisms of Racism
Testimonies “I wanted to let you know how your presentation continues to impact me and to thank you. The illustrations of what (so complex) underpins racism- and what perpetuates the continuation brought my learning and awareness to deepening levels. And it continues.” “We have had texts, emails, and phone calls telling us what your presentations …
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How Do We Raise Children To Have Racial Empathy?
May 26th, 2021, 7:00 - 8:30 PM Eastern How Do We Raise Children To Have Racial Empathy? How Early Life Experiences Shaped the Racial Views of Local Activists A Panel Discussion of non-Blacks (moderated by a Black woman) Paul Blodgett Lucky Bommireddy Yuri Marder Amy Miller Moderated by Sandra M. Donnay, Ph.D.
Introducing The Racial Equity Initiative: A Think Tank Devoted to Dismantling Racism
October 7th, 2021, 7:00 - 8:30 PM Eastern Introducing The Racial Equity Initiative: A Think Tank Devoted to Dismantling Racism Promoting a Cultural Understanding of the Psychology of Racism Providing Evidence –Based Solutions Registration for this event is not yet open.